BARCO Enterprises’ Certified Mold Remediation Professionals Can Properly Evaluate and Remove Microbial Contamination
Mold has existed in our environment long before the awareness of its presence in homes and businesses. Potential health problems associated with mold exposure can take the form of allergic reactions or asthma. Commercial buildings and homes with moisture accumulation due to condensation or leaks are candidates for mold growth. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, there is no practical way to eliminate mold spores in an indoor environment. The best way to control mold growth in Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia is to control moisture and relative humidity indoors. Mold can begin growth in as little as 24 hours. Roof leaks and water pipe leaks are common sources of water accumulation that may cause mold growth. Mold has closed public schools and caused companies to spend millions of dollars on environmental tests and remediation. Clearly, detected with a sensitive infrared camera is the best defense to potential mold growth.

It is possible to detect moisture located behind interior walls with an infrared camera, under the right conditions. The temperature difference created by the presence of moisture on the inside surface of a wall will appear differently than the surrounding area.
Infrared inspection is a fast, non-invasive method to discover moisture intrusion within the building envelope. Infrared inspection does not directly detect the presence of mold rather it may be used to find moisture where mold may develop. The limitations to obtaining accurate infrared images pertain to the ability of the surface being scanned to emit heat energy. Gypsum (dry wall) in interior walls emits quite well, whereas highly reflective surfaces do not. Since the temperature difference between wet and dry are very slight, a sensitive infrared camera must be used.
Finding moisture in any building component is the first step in correcting a water loss before it becomes a mold issue or if you have had a water loss and a mold odor remains well after the clean up the infrared camera allows BARCO to detect and locate moisture in any building component no madder how minor.